A plane carrying Americans & Canadians crashes on the America/Canada border. Where do you bury the survivors?
* Vaata ka jaotust
See the Code - n.ö detektiivimõistatused, mille lahendamiseks tuleb liikuda veebis
* Ning jaotust
Kriitiline Mõtlemine, seal keskel on lõik pealkirjaga "Mõistatusi tõenäosuste kohta". Huvi võivad pakkuda ka asjad lõigus "Veel mõistatusi".
1. Moodusta kuue tikuga neli võrdkülgset kolmnurka.
Osta poest
mulle öeldi, et on olemas selline asi nagu "Engima puzzle" (just "engima"). Need on vist sellised mittepainduvast traadist ja nöörist mõistatused.
Punktide ühendamine
Võta paber ja joonista sellele punktid umbes nõnda:
x x x
x x x
x x x
Nüüd ühenda need ühe sirge joonega.
See ei ole see murdjoonega ülesanne...
Uh-oh... seniseks on ilmnenud, et lahendusi on isegi viite kvalitatiivselt täiesti erinevat sorti :=)
Aga võibolla Sa leiad kuuenda viisi! Anna siis teada oma lahendustest!
Sokratese ja Platoni mütsid
Sokrates ja Platon on rahvakohtu ees. Neile antakse viimane võimalus vabaneda. Öeldakse, et neile pannakse mütsid pähe: müts on kas punane või sinine, sealjuures võivad sattuda ka sama värvi mütsid. Nad näevad ainult seda, mis värvi müts teisel peas on, kuid peavad korraga, mitte järjestikku, ütlema, mis värvi müts endal peas on. Kui üks neist ütleb õigesti, siis Sokratest ei tapeta.
Mida oleksid nad pidanud tegema?
Vastus on lehe allservas.
Surnute toit
There is something the dead eat but if the living eat it, they die.
What is it?
Verbal overshadowing
1. A man and his son are in a serious car accident. The father is killed, and the son is rushed to the emergency room. Upon arrival, the attending doctor looks at the child and gasps, “This child is my son!”
Who is the doctor?
This is an insight puzzle. It’s not like a math or a logic problem that can be worked out systematically with pencil and paper.
2. A giant inverted steel pyramid is perfectly balanced on its point. Any movement of the pyramid will cause it to topple over. Underneath the pyramid is a $100 bill. How do you remove the bill without disturbing the pyramid?
Think about this problem for a few moments. Then, after a minute or so, write down, in as much detail as you can, everything you can remember about how you were trying to solve the problem—your strategy, your approach, or any solutions you’ve thought of. When Schooler did this experiment with a whole sheet of insight puzzles, he found that people who were asked to explain themselves ended up solving 30 percent fewer problems than those who weren’t. In short, when you write down your thoughts, your chances of having the flash of insight you need in order to come up with a solution are significantly impaired
With a logic problem, asking people to explain themselves doesn’t impair their ability to come up with the answers. In some cases, in fact, it may help. But problems that require a flash of insight operate by different rules. “It’s the same kind of paralysis through analysis you find in sports contexts,” Schooler says. “When you start becoming reflective about the process, it undermines your ability. You lose the flow. There are certain kinds of fluid, intuitive, nonverbal kinds of experience that are vulnerable to this process.”
Where do you bury the survivors?
Ikka sinna samma, kohe kirstu ja six feet under, kui karjuma hakkavad siis enne labidaga pikki pead!
Sokratese ja Platoni mõistatuse vastus
Sokrates ütleb värvi, mis Platonil peas on.
Platon ütleb värvi, mis Sokratesel peas ei ole.
Surnute toit
Verbal overshadowing
1. You need to make a leap beyond the automatic assumption that doctors are always men. They aren’t always, of course. The doctor is the boy’s mother!
2. Destroy the bill in some way—tear it or burn it.