A classification of stimuli and discriminant stimuli.
Both stimuli of reactive behaviour and preconditions of instrumental behaviour (discriminant stimuli) may be characterised on the basis of:
Multiplicity of preconditions / stimuli, whether there is
One precondition Multiple preconditions
Multiplicity may be further subdivided on the basis of whether the features of a stimulus:
May form any combination Must have a certain pattern
Types of preconditions / stimuli fall into:
Sensory Motor (that is, organism’s
own actions)
Both of which may be subdivided into:
Perceived Expected
(for stimuli of reactive / classically conditioned behaviour they are also called respectively:
Primary conditioning Secondary conditioning)
Depending on the effect, both preconditions / stimuli may also be subdivided into:
Immediate Delayed effect
Sensory preconditions (perhaps also stimuli) may be subdivided into:
General precondition A target object
(and there may be even more of the special types ...)
It is possible to distinguish between three
types of stimuli / preconditions:
Existence Change Duration
Generally, all of them can be further (sub)classified according to the measure.
Among these further classifications are:
Special measure classes of change, which are: Increase Decrease
Special measure classes of existence, which are: Existence Nonexistence