* http://www.juura.ee/artiklid.php3?cat=1&id=1487 - "Intellektuaalse omandi filosoofia. Plagiaat." Ehk idee, et alati ei peagi iga hinnaga originaalne olema. Mõnikord on tähtsam see, miks ja mida Sa ütled, mida taotled või vajad. Ehk adekvaatsus vs originaalsus.
The next time your great idea at work elicits silence or eye rolls, you might just pity those co-workers. Fresh research indicates they don't even know what a creative idea looks like and that creativity, hailed as a positive change agent, actually makes people squirm.
"Author Susan Cain argues that modern society's focus on charisma and group brainstorming has harmed creativity and productivity by removing the quiet, creative process. 'Research strongly suggests that people are more creative when they enjoy privacy and freedom from interruption. And the most spectacularly creative people in many fields are often introverted, according to studies by the psychologists Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Gregory Feist. They're extroverted enough to exchange and advance ideas, but see themselves as independent and individualistic. They're not joiners by nature.'"
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