Uurida (TODO)
An early, primitive example of this sort of capability was EURISKO, a computer program composed of different heuristics (rules of thumb) which it used for learning and for creating and modifying its own heuristics. Having been fed hundreds of pages of rules for the Traveller science fiction wargame, EURISKO began running simulated battles between different fleets of its own design, abstracting useful principles into new heuristics and modifying old ones with the help of its creator. When EURISKO was eventually entered into a tournament, the fleet of its design won the contest single-handedly.
* "Täielikud seisundikirjeldused". Probleemilahenduse graafil igas seisundis näidata ka tegevused, mida tuleb teha, kui käiku on vaja tühistada (sellesse seisundisse tagasi pöörduda).
* Rollback installikatel
* Lisaks lihtsalt minimaxi kasutamisele uuri, mis pagana infitesimaalid seal mänguteooria kursusel kunagi jutuks olid.
Jeberijee, kui nüüd õigesti aiman, siis see ju vist tähendab, et tõenäosused on nüüd ametlikult infinitesimaalid? Ning asjade tähtsus ruulib! Üks toost selle mõtte peale igatahes kohe.
Vähemalt seni, kuni mängida riskimata. Riskides võib tõenäosusi natuke tähtsustega miksida. Kummaline küll, intuitiivselt arvaks pigem et tõenäosuste ignoreerimine on riskimine :=) Asja tuleb uurida :) TODO.
* Transaktsioonid
* Inspireerituna
- ehitada tehisintellekt nõnda, et tema asjade saavutamise planeerimisvõimete kavalus on alati väiksem kui ohtude vältimise osa kavalus.
* 2008, äsja kaitsti Tartu Ülikoolis töö pealkirjaga "Attempto Controlled English", mis pidavat käsitlema keelt, milles saab väljenduda üheseltmõistetavalt. Kui see tõesti nii on, siis kindlasti vaja see keel õppida selgeks, et oleks võimalik tehisintellektiga tulemuslikult suhelda.
"Attempto controlled English as a semantic web language" / Kaarel Kaljurand.
* Adam Eppendahli kodulehel uus tekstijupp:
At some level, every action is irreversible. Here we can use the fact that the degree of reversibility depends on the degree of abstraction: as we equate more situations, more actions become reversible. If we equate all situations, every action becomes reversible. Abstractions can be ordered. For example, we might say abstraction A is 'less than' abstraction B if any situations equated by A are also equated by B. This suggests the New Second Law of Robotics:
When no action can be undone, do what can be 'undone' with a minimum of abstraction.
For example, braking a supermarket egg is preferable to breaking the unique, hand-painted Easter egg on the mantel, because equating supermarket eggs (which allows us to 'unbreak' the egg by replacing it) is less abstraction than equating all eggs.
* Kunagine sündmuste analüüsi kursus.
* Võibolla on relevantne, tuleks kontrollida:
- vaata all: temporal defeasible logic
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandem_Computers - supports a "NonStop" programming paradigm that allows a program to be completely fault tolerant. Several other companies introduced failover technologies but only Guardian supports completely fail-safe transaction processing. A properly constructed Guardian program can fail at any point and resume transaction processing without any loss of data.
While conventional systems of the era, including mainframes, had mean-time between failures (MTBF) on the order of a few days, the NonStop system was designed to fail 100 times less, with uptimes measured in years. Nevertheless, the NonStop was deliberately designed to be price-competitive with conventional systems, with a simple 2-CPU system priced at just over two times that of a competing single-processor mainframe, as opposed to four or more times of most competing solutions.
The Prova EVALUATOR project aims to evaluate observations from individual prevention files of workers and companies, retrieved as "PROVA facts" from an Oracle Rdb database, against a rules base and a goals base, for purposes of computer-assisted quality control and "knowledge management on steroids".
EVALUATOR will attach its PROVA solutions as suggestions to the medical and company files, for the attention of the medical occupational health, safety and environmental prevention teams of IDEWE when these files are scheduled for future prevention exams, company visits and environmental audits.
Typical EVALUATOR-generated suggestions will concern : missing information that needs to be gathered, tests and measurements that need to be performed, likely causal relationships with pathology that need to be explored based on sector, job profile, hazard exposure and symptoms, advice which should be given, vaccinations which are due, ability decisions that could be taken, etc.
EVALUATOR will act as a "brain extender", effectively relaying all gathered information and combined expertise to trained and novice prevention workers alike.
IDEWE is Belgium's largest external prevention service, advising 34,000 companies and organizations about occupational health, safety and environmental issues, monitoring approxmately 550,000 workers at risk, employing 550 multidisciplinary prevention experts.