don't think you are, know you are.
   - Morpheus (The Matrix)

elu on nii kui mäng.
kuid nagu õnngi, on elu tegelikult tõsine asi.

do what you want.
do what you feel.
take it seriously.
don't take it seriously at all.
take what you want.

success follows doing
what you want to do.
there is no other way
to be successful.
   - Malcolm Forbes

if at first you don't
succeed, change the rules

be the change you
want to see in the world
   - Gandhy

muutumine on oleluse aluseks

never forget who you are

too many people
overvalue what they
are not and undervalue
what they are

stop searching
start finding

do not take life too
seriously, you never
get out of it alive
   - Elbert Hubbard

in the long run,
we're all dead
   - John Maynard Keynes

enamik inimesi on täpselt nii õnnelikud,
kui õnnelikud nad on otsustanud olla
   - A. Lincoln

keerulistel küsimustel on lühikesed
kergestimõistetavad valed vastused.

me mõistus on see paik, kust ainus viiv
meid põrgust paradiisi, paradiisist põrgu viib.

there's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path
   - Morpheus (The Matrix)